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a bed
一张床  detail>>
be in bed
上床睡觉 在床上  detail>>
be in bed with
与卧病在床  detail>>
 n.  1.床,床铺;床位,铺;(动物的)窝;〔比喻〕安乐窝,坟墓;床垫;睡眠;就宿。 2.婚姻,夫妇关系。 3.台,土台;苗床;圃,花坛;养殖场;...  detail>>
bed in
卧模 下箱不翻转的大件造型  detail>>
bed with
发稍关系  detail>>
露宿示威。  detail>>
in bed
地考个好成绩有一天我生病在床 在床上, 卧床 在床上;(在)睡觉 在床上睡觉  detail>>
in the bed
在床里面 在床上  detail>>
on the bed
在床上  detail>>
bed bed
是小床  detail>>
bed board; bed plank
铺板  detail>>
bed plate, forme-bed
版台  detail>>
bed spread bed skirt
床裙  detail>>
bed-by-bed analysis
逐层分析  detail>>
cast bed,sand bed
砂床  detail>>
casting bed(sand bed)
砂床  detail>>
wet the bed; bed-wetting
尿床  detail>>